We are happy to announce our partnership with Dr. Christopher Watts, Marilyn & Morgan Davies Dean, Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences; Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders. We are teaming up to help as many people in the DFW area fighting against Parkinson's Disease. For more information on joining Punching Out Parkinson's through Dr. Watts or any of his other programs, click the link! www.parkinsonology.com
We have had the wonderful opportunity to collaborate with Dr. Vicki Nejtek, Dr. Michael Salvatore, and their incredible research team at UNT HSC. We have learned about Punching Out Parkinson's exercise benefits through our partnership. To read Drs. Salvatore & Nejtek's published research with our program and how to get involved with their studies click the link below! http://www.salvatorelab.net/
Join us to hear from a group working to give Parkinson’s disease a one-two punch through a boxing exercise program: the research perspective, two-time world champion boxer Paulie Ayala and two people whose lives have been changed by Punching Out Parkinson’s.
Dr. Nejtek at UNT Health Science Center is conducting a research study to determine if mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) might be a risk factor for Parkinson's disease (PD), or Parkinsonism (P).
*People with early stage PD/P.
*Ages 40-90 years
*High School Diploma or GED
*Non-Hispanic, White, Hispanic or Black/African American.
*Can read, write and speak English.
We will collect information about:
*Demographic and military (if applicable) information, as well as questions about head/neck injuries (if applicable)
*Blood pressure and heart rate
*Motor functioning
*One urine and breath sample
**If you complete all screening procedures, you will receive compensation**
If you meet study screening criteria you will be eligible to enroll in the study. Study participants will undergo:
*Undergo a brief interview
*Brain functioning, mood and cognitive tests, provide a blood sample (about 4 teaspoons)
Please call our gym office at 817-731-4665 or visit http://www.salvatorelab.net/
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